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        <p>Name a neighborhood – <a href="">Studio City</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">Hollywood</a>, the<a href=""> South Bay</a>, or <a href="">Santa Monica</a> –&nbsp;and chances are&nbsp;you will find an impressive&nbsp;number of&nbsp;places to indulge in&nbsp;frozen yogurt. I freely&nbsp;confess that we here at Mommy Poppins enjoy our frozen treats; many a&nbsp;meeting is held on the patio of our local Menchie’s,&nbsp;and rounding up great places to go for<a href=""> ice cream</a> was one of our summer priorities.&nbsp;It may seem harsh to put our&nbsp;kids to work this way, but&nbsp;hey, somebody has&nbsp;to help with the taste testing, and they don't complain too much.</p>\r\n
        <p>Ice cream is great, of course,&nbsp;but&nbsp;sometimes it’s nice to go a bit lighter.&nbsp;And I think we can all agree to pretend&nbsp;that&nbsp;<a href="">frozen yogurt</a> is a healthy choice;&nbsp;it&nbsp;can have just as much sugar as ice cream, but&nbsp;the fat content of fro-yo is significantly less,&nbsp;and then there is the possibility that the probiotics have&nbsp;actually survived the freezing process. Many of the yogurt establishments below are self-serve and offer an array of toppings that are a kid's dream buffet. One way to be healthy is to cover your sweet treat with fruit and nuts instead of candy&nbsp;–&nbsp;not that I'll be talking my children into that any time soon.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><a href=";hl=en" target="_blank">Penguin's</a><br />\r\n
        One of the first LA&nbsp;fro-yo&nbsp;spots, Penguin's&nbsp;has been around since the 80s. Though&nbsp;the ubiquitous tart flavors are now part of the menu, Penguin's&nbsp;signature&nbsp;yogurt has a rich,&nbsp;custardy texture that really does come close to tasting like ice cream.&nbsp;The store has&nbsp;moved around and opened a few franchises,&nbsp;but the original&nbsp;one remains in Westwood.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Milky’s</a><br />\r\n
        This shop&nbsp;on South Robertson is kosher and offers several vegan parve flavors.&nbsp; The vegan yogurt is soy based and quite popular.&nbsp;All of the toppings are kosher too.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Treats</a><br />\r\n
        Santa Monicans&nbsp;are treated to&nbsp;award winning, kosher, artisanal frozen yogurt at this&nbsp;cheerful aqua-colored&nbsp;shop with indoor and outdoor seating. <a href="" target="_blank">\u{200B}</a>The&nbsp;Ocean Park&nbsp;shop is a family owned business and dangerously&nbsp;convenient&nbsp;to the students of John Adams Middle School.&nbsp;Slightly more expensive than some, and not self-serve like others, Treats&nbsp;is definitely worth paying a little extra.&nbsp;This neighborhood shop consistently shows&nbsp;up on “best of” lists, and rightly so.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Menchie’s</a><br />\r\n
        Also in Santa Monica,&nbsp;and pretty much all around the LA&nbsp;Basin, <a href="" target="_blank">Menchie’s</a> is my favorite of the chains.&nbsp;Clean, bright, and cheerful, these shops are designed for hanging out.&nbsp;They all have blackboards (the one in Studio City even has a fireplace), and my kids and I can spend hours on the patio.&nbsp;Flavors rotate, and there are always tons to choose from.&nbsp;Sampling is self-serve and encouraged. &nbsp;(“Hi” to&nbsp;Tara in Santa Monica!)</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Cups</a><br />\r\n
        This fro-yo hub&nbsp;in Torrance bills itself as "Frozen Yogurt That’s Hot." &nbsp;The vibe is hip and upbeat;&nbsp;club music blasts, and&nbsp;while this is currently its sole location&nbsp;there are plans for expansion.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Yogurtland</a><br />\r\n
        When you’re in the mood for frozen yogurt, it’s a good bet that you’ll be able to find a Yogurtland; they're everywhere.&nbsp;The yogurt is cold and the flavors are creative:&nbsp; How about “Hibiscus Passion Fruit Sorbet” or “Vanilla Date Shake?”</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Frog</a><br />\r\n
        Hollywood's hip fro-yo spot&nbsp;sounds like a slimy amphibian, but presumably it's a combo of “frozen” and “yogurt.” Frog offers a variety of flavors&nbsp;that are organic, vegan, tart, and/or sweet.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Humphrey Yogart</a><br />\r\n
        Occupying the same Sherman Oaks location for 30 years, this place takes the prize for goofiest name, that’s for sure.&nbsp;It also serves up something a bit different: while many yogurt shops use soft serve machines, Humphrey Yogart&nbsp;lets customers choose from four hard packed&nbsp;varieties (vanilla, chocolate, tart, and soy),&nbsp;then customize flavor options in a blending machine choosing from 45 ingredient choices.&nbsp;In addition to yogurt, Humphrey also has healthy sandwiches and salads and tends to specialize in low-carb selections.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Chill</a><br />\r\n
        Studio City's Chill has yummy frozen yogurt as well as hot, home-made, sweet and savory crepes.&nbsp;It’s a good place to go if&nbsp;there’s a sourpuss in the group who actually&nbsp;doesn’t want fro-yo.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">PInkberry<br />\r\n
        \u{200B}</a>Not just cold, but cool.&nbsp;Pinkberry&nbsp;wasn’t the first frozen yogurt, but it did start the craze for tart flavors and added a&nbsp;hip aesthetic.&nbsp;It doesn’t do the kid-friendly self-serve;&nbsp;but, then again, sometimes we parents are grateful when it’s the yogurt shop setting the limits…</p>\r\n
        <p><em>Of course, if you prefer ice cream, we have <a href="">10 great ice cream and gelato </a>suggestions on the Westside!</em></p>\r\n
        <p><em>Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">Anthony J</a> via flickr</em></p>\r\n
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