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        <p>Good news, parents! With&nbsp;tons&nbsp;of kid-friendly restaurants in Houston, relaxing on the patio with quality food and drinks doesn't have to be just a fond memory.&nbsp;That's right,&nbsp;you don't have to&nbsp;spend&nbsp;evenings at Chick-fil-A&nbsp;when you've got our list of 25 awesome kid-friendly Houston restaurants with play spaces for kids.</p>\r\n
        <p>It's like these restaurants&nbsp;<em>knew</em>&nbsp;parents needed a space to unwind a bit with the kids in tow, and they deliver&nbsp;with patios that open&nbsp;up to enclosed playgrounds, sand pits (ok, this one&nbsp;<em>is</em>&nbsp;a catch-22 because, well, sand), and toys. For more ideas on where to eat around the city, visit our <a href="">Houston Restaurant Guide</a> for families.</p>\r\n
        <h2>Kid-friendly Restaurants&nbsp;in Houston</h2>\r\n
        <h3>1.&nbsp;Crisp&nbsp;- The Heights</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Crisp</a> is a gastropub in the Heights with great beer on tap, wine, and comfort foods, and it also has a great outdoor space with games for kids to play.</p>\r\n
        <h3>2. Betsy's - Bellaire</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Betsy's</a> is a fast-casual restaurant serving breakfast tacos, sandwiches, pizzas, and more in Evelyn's Park. You can have a meal or glass of wine while the kids play on the playground or make it a quick stop for soft serve or popsicles.</p>\r\n
        <h3>3.&nbsp;Bellagreen&nbsp;City Centre&nbsp;- West Houston</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Bellagreen</a> offers chef-prepared meals in a fast-casual environment. The&nbsp;diverse menu includes soups, salads, pizza, pasta, and freshly prepared desserts.&nbsp; The&nbsp;City Centre&nbsp;location has a patio that opens up to a green space where kids can play.</p>\r\n
        <h3>4.&nbsp;Little Matt's - West University Place</h3>\r\n
        <p>You'll find more than good food and a kid-friendly atmosphere at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Little&nbsp;</a><a href="" target="_blank">Matt's</a>, as they offer an arcade for kids and a nice outdoor patio for families.</p>\r\n
        <h3>5. Clay's Restaurant - West Houston</h3>\r\n
        <p>A country-style eatery with daily specials,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Clay's Restaurant</a>&nbsp;is a destination in itself. Featuring a large outdoor patio area, green space&nbsp;amongst&nbsp;its "Ghost Town", and a sandbox for the kids to play.</p>\r\n
        <h3>6. Gaspachos - Upper Kirby</h3>\r\n
        <p>A fast-casual, authentic Mexican food experience,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Gaspachos&nbsp;Mexican Bites</a>&nbsp;features fresh, natural, healthy, and delicious items for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And the best part is that it's located in Levy Park, so kids can play at one of our favorite playgrounds in the city.</p>\r\n
        <h3>7.&nbsp;Preslee's&nbsp;Southern Eatery - Greater Heights</h3>\r\n
        <p>With Southern food and fun for the whole family (even the furry ones),&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Preslee's&nbsp;Southern Eatery</a>&nbsp;has a large outdoor space filled with patio tables, swings, hammocks, and a play area for the kids.</p>\r\n
        <p><img alt="a picture of a playground at No Label Brewing Co., one of the best kid-friendly restaurants in Houston" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n
        <em>A fun playground at No Label Brewing Co. Photo courtesy of No Label Brewing Co.</em></p>\r\n
        <h3>8. Christians Tailgate - West University</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Christians Tailgate</a> offers tasty bar food and cocktails at five locations across Houston, but the one in West University has a small arcade and a playground. That makes their happy hour specials more fun for everyone.</p>\r\n
        <h3>9.&nbsp;Jenni's Noodle House - The Heights</h3>\r\n
        <p>Kids can play inside a giant concrete tube structure and draw on it with sidewalk chalk, as well as run around a green space right outside of <a href="" target="_blank">Jenni's Noodle House</a> in the Heights while you dine on tasty Vietnamese food.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h3>10. Mia's Table - Memorial City</h3>\r\n
        <p>While there are several locations around the Houston area serving family-friendly made-to-order food,&nbsp;<a href="">Mia's Table</a>&nbsp;in Memorial City has an outdoor patio and area for kids to play. As a bonus, they have free self-serve soft-serve ice cream.</p>\r\n
        <h3>11. d'Alba - Garden Oaks</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">&nbsp;d’Alba</a> combines a casual beautiful atmosphere with elevated modern American cuisine. Combined with a fantastic patio space and a playground for kids, it's a place the whole family will enjoy.</p>\r\n
        <h3>12. Los Cucos&nbsp;Mexican Cafe - West Houston</h3>\r\n
        <p>There are multiple locations of the Tex-Mex favorite <a href="" target="_blank">Los Cucos</a> around the Houston area, but the location on Clay Road boasts an outdoor patio and a playground.</p>\r\n
        <h3>13. Blue Agave Cantina - Energy Corridor</h3>\r\n
        <p>Another one of the best&nbsp;kid-friendly restaurants in Houston,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Blue Agave Cantina</a> offers re-imagined authentic Mexican cuisine&nbsp;and a beautiful patio area with a playground.</p>\r\n
        <h3>14. Millie's Kitchen &amp; Cocktails - Oak Forest</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Millie's</a> menu boasts coastal and local flavors alike, along with a warm and charming environment. Families can enjoy the two patio areas and the kids' play area.</p>\r\n
        <h3>15.&nbsp;Karbach&nbsp;Brewing Co.&nbsp;- Spring Branch</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Karbach Brewing Co</a>.&nbsp;doesn't just boast amazing craft beer but also has a restaurant on site that's touted as having&nbsp;dynamic, world-class cuisine that pairs perfectly with the beer selection on tap. Combine this with a patio that allows space for the kids to be, well, kids and you have a weekend destination that can't be beat.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h2>Kid-Friendly Restaurants in the Houston Suburbs</h2>\r\n
        <h3>16.&nbsp;Jimmy Changas - Multiple Locations</h3>\r\n
        <p>For a fresh take on&nbsp;Tex-Mex, you'll want to check out&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Jimmy&nbsp;Changas</a>. The chain is local to Houston, has a tasty margarita menu, and boasts an enclosed playground for the kids.</p>\r\n
        <h3>17.&nbsp;Texas Borders Bar &amp; Grill 1093&nbsp;- Richmond</h3>\r\n
        <p>With&nbsp;a blend of American fare and&nbsp;Tex-Mex&nbsp;favorites, an outdoor playground for the kiddos, daily specials, and live music on the weekends,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Texas Borders Bar &amp; Grill 1093</a>&nbsp;is a preferred dining choice for Richmond and Katy locals.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h3>18.&nbsp;No Label Brewing Company&nbsp;- Katy</h3>\r\n
        <p>Craft beer on tap, both indoor and outdoor picnic areas, a playground for the kids, an ever-changing selection of food trucks, and a laid-back vibe that can't be beaten.&nbsp;Known for its unique location in an old rice silo,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">No Label Brewing Company&nbsp;</a>is a favorite destination for kids and adults alike.</p>\r\n
        <p>Love spending time at breweries? Check out our guide to the&nbsp;<a href="">best family-friendly breweries Houston has to offer</a>.</p>\r\n
        <h3>19.&nbsp;Live Oak Grill&nbsp;- Sugar Land</h3>\r\n
        <p>There's not just one patio at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Live Oak Grill</a>, but two, allowing plenty of space for families to dine outside and play equipment for the kids to stay occupied and entertained. You'll find a little bit of everything on the menu here, so dining out is easy for even the pickiest of eaters.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h3><strong>Related</strong><span style="font-size:13px">:</span><a href="" style="font-size: 13px;">&nbsp;11 Kid-Friendly Texas&nbsp;Hill Country Wineries To Visit</a></h3>\r\n
        <h3>20.&nbsp;Red River BBQ &amp; Grill&nbsp;- League City, Katy</h3>\r\n
        <p>You'll find delicious&nbsp;barbeque&nbsp;items on the menu at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Red River BBQ &amp; Grill in League City</a>&nbsp;and Katy,&nbsp;but you'll also find a huge outdoor space and a sandbox filled with kids' toys to play with at the Katy location. Kids will love spending time playing with the sand while you enjoy eating your fill of&nbsp;barbeque&nbsp;and listening to live music on the patio.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h3>21.&nbsp;MOD Pizza - Pearland</h3>\r\n
        <p>Although there are multiple locations throughout Houston,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">MOD Pizza's&nbsp;Pearland</a>&nbsp;spot has a playground where kids can play until they're nice and worn out after they eat their fill of delicious pizza.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h3>22. Hat Creek Burger Company - Katy,&nbsp;Fulshear, Spring</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Hat Creek Burger Company</a>&nbsp;has playgrounds for the kids, happy hours for the parents, and something for everyone - even the pickiest of eaters. Every location in the Houston area has a large playground and patio.</p>\r\n
        <h3>23. Tin Roof B-B-Q - Humble</h3>\r\n
        <p>Serving true Texas Barbecue in a family-friendly establishment, adults can enjoy live music on weekend nights while kids enjoy the playground at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Tin Roof B-B-Q</a>.</p>\r\n
        <h3>24. Paradigm Brewing - Tomball</h3>\r\n
        <p>Parents can&nbsp;enjoy finely crafted ales and lagers and the full-service restaurant on site, kids will love the playground. A covered outdoor patio and five acres to enjoy lawn games make&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Paradigm Brewing</a>&nbsp;a family favorite spot.</p>\r\n
        <h3>25. Creekwood Grill - Cypress</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Creekwood&nbsp;Grill</a>&nbsp;is a family-friendly Cowboy retro joint with burgers, tacos, chicken fried steak, and more. It also has a great covered patio, a large outdoor area with multiple playgrounds, and offers live music and big-screen sports.</p>\r\n
        <p><em>This post was originally published in June 2017.</em></p>\r\n
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        Still closed as of May 5, 2021:\r\n
        14. Punk's Simple Southern Food - Medical Center\r\n
        2020 Update: Punk's is currently not serving food.\r\n
        5212 Morningside Drive\r\n
        The name may say "Simple Southern Food," but the fare at Punk's is anything but. Enjoy classics like fried chicken, homemade biscuits and deviled eggs for a meal straight from grandma's kitchen, then let your kids run wild on the grassy area right off the patio. Having a birthday? Be sure to tell the staff so they can bring out a bowl of cotton candy complete with a sparkler on top to celebrate!\r\n
        15. Last Concert Cafe - Downtown\r\n
        2020 Update: Last Concert Cafe is temporarily closed due to the health crisis.\r\n
        1403 Nance St.\r\n
        It's places like this that make Houston such a fun place to live. At Last Concert Cafe, you'll find casual Mexican fare and a constant line-up of live music performed on a massive patio. Check out their schedule before planning your visit.\r\n
        Seems to have closed permanently in the pandemic:\r\n
        Petrol Station - Northside\r\n
        2020 Update: Petrol Station is temporarily closed due to the health crisis.\r\n
        985 Wakefield Dr.\r\n
        6. Frey's Backyard Cafe - Tomball\r\n
        2020 Update: Frey's Backyard Cafe is closed.\r\n
        14441 FM 2920\r\n
        Known for good food and outstanding service, this small-town cafe is a family favorite. The restaurant serves up home-cooked comfort food with a Texas twist, has a welcoming atmosphere that is both casual and professional and is known for its large backyard area for kids to run and play.\r\n
        No one seems to know anything about play areas at this place:\r\n
        2. Lupe Tortilla - Around Houston\r\n
        2020 Update: Restaurant is open. No update yet on the play area.\r\n
        Multiple locations around Houston. Find one closest to you here. \r\n
        This Mexican food favorite is known for two things: a patio for parents that overlooks a sandpit full of playground equipment and toys for the kids and outstanding beef fajitas. Just be sure to get there early for weekend dining, because this restaurant hotspot gets busy FAST come Friday at 5pm. \r\n
        Permanently closed: Skip's Farm - Cypress\r\n
        16702 House Hahl Road\r\n
        Head northwest for a country restaurant equipped with an awesome playground. There are two play structures with slides, tires to climb on, and lots of grassy space to run and play. There is also a large sand pit. For the grown-ups, choose from more than 50 types of beer and wine and sit back and relax.
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