Devel Load (with references)

array:45 [
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    0 => array:1 [
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                14 => "use text format full_html"
                15 => "use text format plain_text"
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          0 => array:1 [
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                9 => "create roundup content"
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                41 => "use text format full_html"
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        <p>Not too sure what Purim is? Let's just say it's something between Hebrew Halloween and Middle Eastern Mardi Gras.&nbsp;Jewish families know Purim as a time of uncharacteristically raucous rabbinical revelry, marked by costumes, noisemakers, interactive storytelling, triangular pastries, and enough drink (for the grown-ups) to muddy the lines between good and evil. Gentile families generally don't know it at all. But Purim is worth knowing. Its story has all the best elements: a party-hearty king, a beautiful and courageous queen, a resourceful good guy, and a bad guy so hateful that everyone drowns out his name with noisemakers&nbsp;at <a href="">community carnivals</a> all over town. Check out one of the events below for classic Purim activities, costume parades,&nbsp; carnival games, and boisterous retellings of the Purim story.</p>\r\n
        <p>And if you know of a great celebration we've missed, <a href="">please let us know</a>!</p>\r\n
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