Devel Load (with references)

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        <p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Pixical&nbsp;is a perfect platform&nbsp;for kids to learn Piano, Guitar and Art online with professional experts from the best music schools in the country. The whole system is designed to make learning fun and interactive. The curriculum is a perfect blend of theory and technique, with a mix of private and group sessions make learning more fun. The program features:</span></p>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Expert teachers—professional instructors from Berklee, Juilliard, Oberlin, NYU and more</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">First-of-its-kind learning experience—a&nbsp;simple, intuitive experience powered by the latest advances in technology</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Proven curriculum—online-first curriculum optimized for fun, personal discovery and effectiveness</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Cost-effective and convenient—affordable prices and easy access to the world’s best instructors in the comfort of your own home&nbsp;</span></li>\r\n
        <p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Pixical classes are suitable for kids of all ages; no experience is necessary.&nbsp;The program offers a flexible week-by-week enrollment format, making it a perfect summer camp companion</span></p>\r\n
        <p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">To have the best online learning experience, the platform provides:</span></p>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Multiple views to maximize engagement and learning</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">High-quality audio and recording features&nbsp;that are&nbsp;100% reliable</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Unique online learning tools like Metronome and Play-Along.</span></li>\r\n
        <p><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Practice becomes easier and more fun with features provided by Pixical, such as:</span></p>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Gamification, including rewards, badges, and leaderboard</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Peer learning with&nbsp;live classes</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Mobile app for practising on the go</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Play along interaction for a better learning experience</span></li>\r\n
        \t<li><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Study plans prepared to make the whole process personalized.</span></li>\r\n
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