Devel Load (with references)

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        <p>Participate in a variety of creative challenges designed to engage learners of all skill levels.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><em>LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO® Group of Companies and is not affiliated with Design Hive.</em></p>\r\n
        <p>Sample Class Format:</p>\r\n
        <p>9:30 -10:30 Project work \u{2063}<br />\r\n
        10:30 -10:45 Snack/break\u{2063}<br />\r\n
        10:45 -11:30 Project work<br />\r\n
        11:30 -12:30 Outdoor Lunch and Break<br />\r\n
        12:30 -2:00 Project work</p>\r\n
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        On the first day of camp, please check in with an instructor. There is nothing to sign, but we'll want to verify your contact info. \r\n
        Drop off runs from 9:30-10:00 and should be done from the front of our shop. Please do not park in the alley or any of the spaces. Early drop-offs (prior to 9:25) and late pick-ups (after 2:10) cannot be accommodated. \r\n
        Afternoon pickup is at 2:00. After 2:10, $1/minute late fees will be charged to the original payment method used at registration. Pick up occurs at the front of our shop.\r\n
        Please pack a morning snack and a lunch. We have a filtered water dispenser if your camper has a reusable water bottle. We do not have refrigerator or microwave- please do not send lunches that must be heated or kept refrigerated.\r\n
        Weather permitting, we each lunch outside and like to incorporate neighborhood walks and scavenger hunts into our schedule. Please send campers in comfortable, close-toed shoes (old comfy sneakers are the best!.)\r\n
        We like to get messy! We may send your kid home with stains on their clothes that don't come out. Keep those family heirloom shoes and tees at home :)\r\n
        Masking in our studio is optional, and we leave the choice up our families. (We have both child and adult sized masks available.)\r\n
        If you need to get in touch during the day, e-mail is the absolute best way to do it. Emailing us at is more efficient than calling, as we cannot always pick up a call when working in the shop.\r\n
        7 or more days prior to start of camp: full refund of payment to the original payment method\r\n
        Between 3 and 6 days prior to  start of camp: 50% refund\r\n
        Less than 3 days prior to camp: No refunds, but happy to apply to a later camp
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