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        <p>Founded by Italian educator and physician Maria Montessori in the early 1900s, the Montessori method is an educational approach that allows children to learn naturally&nbsp;and at their own pace&nbsp;through play. Independence is encouraged, even at a preschool level, so classrooms in Montessori schools are often scaled to size so that even small children can do things for themselves. These little ones are given free range of the space to learn through exploration as they participate in age-appropriate activities to develop self-discipline, responsibility, confidence, and a love of learning -&nbsp;as well as the ability to succeed academically.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>When looking for preschools in Houston, many parents look for Montessori&nbsp;preschools because of the individualized focus on independence, play, and natural&nbsp;learning. We've rounded up 13 Montessori preschools near Houston to help you narrow down your search. Read on to learn about what these programs have to offer, and then browse the <a href="">Houston Preschools Guide</a> to find the <a href="">perfect fit</a> for your family.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
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      "array_path" => "field_related_sections.0.entity.field_related_summary.3.entity.field_related_title.0.entity.taxonomy_vocabulary_9.5.entity"
    16 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "1353"
      "message" => "Recursion detected."
      "array_path" => "field_related_sections.2.entity.field_related_summary.0.entity.field_related_title.0.entity.taxonomy_vocabulary_9.2.entity"