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From\u{A0}Rockville Centre to\u{A0}Montauk, from the first weekend of\u{A0}March\u{A0}till the last, Main Streets across the Island come alive with pipers, parade marchers, traditional food, music, dance, and more." ] ] 2 => array:2 [ "tag" => "link" "attributes" => array:2 [ "rel" => "canonical" "href" => "" ] ] 3 => array:2 [ "tag" => "meta" "attributes" => array:2 [ "property" => "og:description" "content" => "From Rockville Centre to Montauk, showcase your Irish spirit at these Long Island celebrations." ] ] ] "path" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "alias" => "/likids/st-patricks-day-events-for-kids-and-families-on-long-island" "pid" => "115746" "langcode" => "und" ] ] "publish_on" => [] "unpublish_on" => [] "publish_state" => [] "unpublish_state" => [] "menu_link" => [] "body" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "value" => """ <p>Few regions celebrate their Irish heritage better than Long Island. After a two-year pandemic pause, St. Patrick's Day parades are gearing up to step off this March with grand fanfare. </p>\r\n \r\n <p>From <a href="">Rockville Centre</a> to <a href="">Montauk</a>, from the first weekend of <a href="">March</a> till the last, Main Streets across the Island come alive with pipers, parade marchers, traditional food, music, dance, and more. Huntington itself swells with visitors on the second Sunday of March when one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day gatherings in New York State kicks off in the village downtown. That Huntington parade is dwarfed perhaps only by <a href="">New York’s City’s celebration</a> <strong>(NEEDS UPDATE)</strong>, which this year is Thursday, March 17.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>Most of these events are low cost or FREE, ideal for families, and appropriate for first-generation Irish-Americans or those who are just Irish for a day.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>Read on for our favorites from among the parades that will take place in Patrick’s honor this month on the Island. Click through for details, including parade routes, dates, times, and more. As always see our <a href="">Long Island Events Calendar</a> and <a href="">March GoList</a> for the best in family entertainment all month long.</p>\r\n <!--break-->\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Kids, floats, animals, and, yes, leprechauns are part of the St. Patrick's Day parade in Kings Park. Photo courtesy of Kings Park St. Patrick's Day Parade</em></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong>Kings Park St. Patrick's Day Parade — Kings Park</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 5<br />\r\n Kings Park has the honor of beginning Long Island’s parade season. Usually found in the rear of the parade, this year's grand marshals, Charles Gardner and Diane Gardner, will lead the way followed by pipe bands, floats, and the marching community beginning at noon. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at the Bethpage parade. Photo courtesy of the event</em></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Bethpage St. Patrick's Day Parade</a> — Bethpage</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 6<br />\r\n The day begins with a 12pm Mass at St. Martin of Tours church on Central Avenue. The parade steps off at 1pm in front of the church. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Food, Fun, and Music at the Irish American Society</strong></a><strong> — Mineola</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 6<br />\r\n Following a 10am Mass at the Irish American Society, the parade steps off at 1pm along Mineola Boulevard.The Center opens at 2pm with food music and more for $5 per person admission.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>RELATED: <a href="">Free Things to Do With Long Island Kids in March</a> </p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Enjoy traditional Irish dancing at the Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site. Photo courtesy of Walt Whitman Birthplace</em></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">St. Patrick's Day East Islip Parade</a> — East Islip </strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 6<br />\r\n The Ancient Order of the Hibernians Division 7 is holding its annual Irish celebration on March 6. The parade kicks off at 2 p.m. at the East Islip Public Library. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Bay Shore-Brightwaters Parade</a> — Bay Shore</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 12<br />\r\n The parade steps off at 2pm rain or shine at Saxon Avenue. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Cutchogue St. Patrick’s Day Parade</a> — Cutchogue</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 12<br />\r\n Join local merchants, sports teams, and the Cutchogue Fire Department at the North Fork’s largest parade, stepping off at 2pm. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Westhampton Beach St. Patrick's Day Parade</a> — Westhampton Beach</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 12<br />\r\n The East End community recognizes Irish-American traditions and its hometown heroes. The theme this year is "Back to the Future," so expect to see some fun floats. New this year is a beer tent. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">St. Patrick's Day Parade</a> — St. James</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 12<br />\r\n Step-off is at 1pm. The parade of floats, dancers, and musicians travels along Lake Avenue from Woodlawn to Railroad Avenue. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the 8 th Annual parade in Farmingdale. Photos by Bill Moseley, BBA Photography Corp.</em></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Farmingdale St. Patrick's Day Parade</a> — Farmingdale</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 13<br />\r\n Parade step-off is at 2pm at Northside School, ending at the village green, where there will be shamrock photo-ops. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Cheer on all things Irish at Huntington’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. Photo by Cliff Weissman Photography</em></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Huntington St. Patrick’s Day Parade</a> — Huntington Village</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 13<br />\r\n Join in the fun at the Huntington St. Patrick's Day parade. Arrive early; more than 50,000 spectators have traditionally attended the annual parade. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p>RELATED: <a href="">100 Things to Do With Kids on Long Island Before They Grow Up</a> </p>\r\n \r\n <p> </p>\r\n \r\n <p>RELATED: <a href="">Our Guide to FREE Activities for Kids on Long Island</a></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Friends of St. Patrick Parade</a> — Miller Place-Rocky Point</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 13<br />\r\n The neighboring communities in Suffolk County host their parade, beginning along Harrison Avenue in Miller Place and ending at North Country Road in Rocky Point. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Bayport-Blue Point Parade</a> — Bayport</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 13<br />\r\n The Bayport-Blue Point St. Patrick's Day Parade travels east from Bayport to Blue Point along Montauk Highway. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Glen Cove Hibernians St. Patrick's Day Parade </a> — Glen Cove</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 20<br />\r\n The annual parade in Glen Cove is followed by a family-friendly brunch at St. Patrick’s Church parish hall. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p>RELATED: <a href="">The Best Destinations on Long Island for Kids to Learn About Diversity</a></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">St. Patrick’s Day Parade for Charity</a> — Rockville Centre</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 19<br />\r\n Enjoy this annual celebration through the Village of Rockville Centre. The parade supports several local charities. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Hampton Bays St. Patrick's Day Parade</a> — Hampton Bays</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 19</p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Wear some green and join the </em><em>runners at St. Patrick's Day festivities In Patchogue. Photo courtesy of the event</em></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">"May the Road Rise to Meet Ye” 5K Run, Walk and Parade</a> — Patchogue</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 20<br />\r\n The annual road race (entry fee) for families precedes the parade along Main Street in Patchogue’s emerging downtown. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p>RELATED: <a href="">State Parks on Long Island Worth a Visit</a> </p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Arrive early to glimpse the pageantry of the St. Patrick's Day parade in Montauk. Photo courtesy of Friends of Erin</em></p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="">Friends of Erin St. Patrick's Day Parade</a> — Montauk</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 27<br />\r\n Long Island's easternmost parade runs up Edgemere Road and turns on to Main Street, passing the reviewing stand on the green. It finishes at the end of Main Street by the IGA. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">St. Patrick's Day Parade</a> — Jamesport</strong><br />\r\n Saturday, March 26<br />\r\n The East End Emerald Society present its St. Patrick’s Day Parade in the town of Jamesport.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>The parade steps off at 1pm. FREE </p>\r\n \r\n <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Ronkonkoma St. Patrick's Day Parade </a>— Ronkonkoma</strong><br />\r\n Sunday, March 27<br />\r\n The parade steps off at 2pm on the corner of Patchogue-Holbrook Road and Portion Road. FREE</p>\r\n \r\n <p><em>This article is updated annually.</em></p>\r\n """ "summary" => "" "format" => "full_html" ] ] "comment_node_blog" => array:1 [ 0 => array:6 [ "status" => "1" "cid" => "0" "last_comment_timestamp" => "1677204547" "last_comment_name" => null "last_comment_uid" => "53184" "comment_count" => "0" ] ] "field_alternate_title" => [] "field_attached_images" => array:11 [ 0 => array:7 [ "target_id" => "125397" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "960" "height" => "640" "entity" => array:18 [ "fid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "125397" ] ] "uuid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "8100faae-27fd-4c8f-bf3b-314a6b435f8f" ] ] "langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "en" ] ] "type" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "image" "entity" => array:9 [ "uuid" => "e1825055-aa91-4d1d-bfc9-d0087e943e59" "langcode" => "en" "status" => true "dependencies" => [] "_core" => array:1 [ "default_config_hash" => "Cnm8jai7mUWRJe41uZo5lyvpDJcbdkbGutMFhqPDUys" ] "id" => "image" "label" => "Image" "description" => "An <em>Image</em> file is a still visual." 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