Devel Load (with references)

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      "value" => "<p>Summer camp is about friendships; at Corbin's, sports and fun come together to make memories. Only 25 minutes from Manhattan, camp spans 50 breathtaking acres of woodlands, streams and trails. Children play team sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, football, ultimate, hockey and dodgeball. Through team spirit and sportsmanship we enhance your child's potential and confidence. We have a large selection of individual and adventure sports such as archery, go-carts, gymnastics, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, boating, tennis and instructional swim. <br />Details: Camp is for children 4 - 14 years old Door to Door pick up on counselor monitored buses Pick up from 8:15 - 9:15am ; Drop off From 4:00-5:00pm Small Boys and Girls groups (10-15 children per group) Camper to Staff Ratio: 5 to 1 Camp Director, Administrators and 2 Nurses on staff Fresh hot and cold lunch every day served in an indoor dining hall<br />&nbsp;<br />Facilities include: Four new baseball fields, 5 tennis courts, 4 swimming pools, a small lake, a bike trail, many acres of hiking trails and much much more! <br /><br />Join us: Wendy and Peter Corbin - Directors <br /><a href=""></a> <br />Phone: (212) 875-8174 <br />Email: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a></p><p>For more great camp ideas, check out our <a href="/new-york-summer-camp-guide"><font color="#105cb6">Summer Camp Guide</font></a>!</p><p>&nbsp;</p>"
      "summary" => "<p>Summer camp is about friendships; at Corbin's, sports and fun come together to make memories. Only 25 minutes from Manhattan, camp spans 50 breathtaking acres of woodlands, streams and trails. Children play team sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, football, ultimate, hockey and dodgeball. Through team spirit and sportsmanship we enhance your child's potential and confidence. We have a large selection of individual and adventure sports such as archery, go-carts, gymnastics, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, boating, tennis and instructional swim. <br />Details: Camp is for children 4 - 14 years old Door to Door pick up on counselor monitored buses Pick up from 8:15 - 9:15am ; Drop off From 4:00-5:00pm Small Boys and Girls groups (10-15 children per group) Camper to Staff Ratio: 5 to 1 Camp Director, Administrators and 2 Nurses on staff Fresh hot and cold lunch every day served in an indoor dining hall<br />&nbsp;<br />Facilities include: Four new baseball fields, 5 tennis courts, 4 swimming pools, a small lake, a bike trail, many acres of hiking trails and much much more! <br /><br />Join us: Wendy and Peter Corbin - Directors <br /><a href=""></a> <br />Phone: (212) 875-8174 <br />Email: <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a></p><p>For more great camp ideas, check out our <a href="/new-york-summer-camp-guide"><font color="#105cb6">Summer Camp Guide</font></a>!</p><p>&nbsp;</p>"
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      "last_comment_name" => "Mommy Poppins??”Get more out of NYC for kids -- Activities,"
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