Trails for Kids, a Venture in Nature is a place for children to escape and reconnect with the natural environment. Kids immerse in nature activities which include hiking, wading, observing, mindfulness tools, tracking and the use of a child's imagination and curiosity. All classes are age appropriate for ages 2.5-11 years old and run all year round in any weather throughout New Jersey's local parks. Trails for Kids does their upmost to cater to your needs. The courses include Forest School, Afterschool & Weekend hikes, camps, nature therapy, basic survivor skills, outsource classes for schools and libraries as well as specialized birthday parties.
Trails for Kids' mission is to provide an inclusive program for children of all socioeconomic backgrounds based on direct nature interactions to encourage their physical and emotional social wellbeing. These experiences will promote prosilience, instill tolerance, provide social environmental justice and inspire future land stewards.
Nature has no wall.
New Jersey local Parks
, NJ
United States