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New York City is made up of five boroughs, and within each one you'll find a diverse array of neighborhoods, all with their own distinctive family attractions, ma-and-pa shops, kid-friendly restaurants and hidden gems. Whether you're looking to see how the other half lives by strolling through the tony Upper East Side and Tribeca, sizing up family meccas like the Upper West Side or Park Slope, playing tourist with visiting friends in Midtown West or Chinatown, or exploring a new-to-you out-of-the-way nabe like Washington Heights or Riverdale, our in-depth NYC Family Neighborhood Guides give you the inside scoop on the best things to do, see and experience with kids in each area. We purposefully designed these guides to be used by natives and visitors alike. Even if you've lived in the neighborhood all your life, you'll find at least a few new things to try. And if it's your first time exploring an area, our super-detailed posts are packed with in-the-know info that will make you feel like a local. So put on your walking shoes, break out the heavy-duty stroller and hit the pavement to discover everything NYC has to offer kids and families beyond the standard tourist traps.
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