Entity type definition

Mommy Poppins is the ultimate insider's guide to NYC for local families, but that also makes us an awesome resource for travelers. This guide will help you plan your trip to enjoy New York City like natives.

You'll want to hit the big tourist attractions, sure—see our restaurant suggestions for the best local food options nearby—but the real way to experience New York City is to explore our lively neighborhoods. Check out our neighborhood guides for itineraries that will have you exploring Uptown & Downtown Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island like a local. And we'll tell you how to build some fun play into your day so the kids don't burn out.

Make sure to check our Event Calendar to see what's going on while you're here and our Museum Guide for current exhibit reviews. Even better, subscribe to our newsletters so you can plan your visit and stay up-to-date on the coolest happenings. Check out our seasonal guides for the best things to do if you're visiting in the Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall or around the Holidays. And, to really do NYC like a local, try tackling our list of 100 Things to Do in New York City with Kids Before They Grow Up.

Photo by Ralph Hockens via Flickr.

Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityType {#1394
  #id: "node"
  #class: "Drupal\node\Entity\Node"
  #provider: "node"
  #static_cache: true
  #render_cache: true
  #persistent_cache: true
  #entity_keys: array:12 [
    "id" => "nid"
    "revision" => "vid"
    "bundle" => "type"
    "label" => "title"
    "langcode" => "langcode"
    "uuid" => "uuid"
    "status" => "status"
    "published" => "status"
    "uid" => "uid"
    "owner" => "uid"
    "default_langcode" => "default_langcode"
    "revision_translation_affected" => "revision_translation_affected"
  #originalClass: "Drupal\node\Entity\Node"
  #handlers: array:13 [
    "storage" => "Drupal\node\NodeStorage"
    "storage_schema" => "Drupal\node\NodeStorageSchema"
    "view_builder" => "Drupal\node\NodeViewBuilder"
    "access" => "Drupal\node\NodeAccessControlHandler"
    "views_data" => "Drupal\node\NodeViewsData"
    "form" => array:15 [
      "default" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "delete" => "Drupal\node\Form\NodeDeleteForm"
      "edit" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "delete-multiple-confirm" => "Drupal\node\Form\DeleteMultiple"
      "quick_node_clone" => "Drupal\quick_node_clone\Form\QuickNodeCloneNodeForm"
      "activity_step_1" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "activity_step_2" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "activity_step_3" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "activity_step_4" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "activity_step_5" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "provider_deal" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "provider_free_form" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "provider_pick_product" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "provider_premium_form" => "Drupal\node\NodeForm"
      "layout_builder" => "Drupal\layout_builder\Form\OverridesEntityForm"
    "route_provider" => array:2 [
      "html" => "Drupal\node\Entity\NodeRouteProvider"
      "moderation" => "Drupal\content_moderation\Entity\Routing\EntityModerationRouteProvider"
    "list_builder" => "Drupal\node\NodeListBuilder"
    "translation" => "Drupal\node\NodeTranslationHandler"
    "inline_form" => "\Drupal\inline_entity_form\Form\NodeInlineForm"
    "autosave_form" => "Drupal\autosave_form\Form\AutosaveEntityFormHandler"
    "moderation" => "Drupal\content_moderation\Entity\Handler\NodeModerationHandler"
    "query_access" => "Drupal\entity\QueryAccess\EventOnlyQueryAccessHandler"
  #admin_permission: null
  #collection_permission: "access content overview"
  #permission_granularity: "bundle"
  #links: array:13 [
    "canonical" => "/node/{node}"
    "delete-form" => "/node/{node}/delete"
    "delete-multiple-form" => "/admin/content/node/delete"
    "edit-form" => "/node/{node}/edit"
    "version-history" => "/node/{node}/revisions"
    "revision" => "/node/{node}/revisions/{node_revision}/view"
    "create" => "/node"
    "latest-version" => "/node/{node}/latest"
    "devel-load" => "/devel/node/{node}"
    "devel-load-with-references" => "/devel/load-with-references/node/{node}"
    "devel-render" => "/devel/render/node/{node}"
    "devel-definition" => "/devel/definition/node/{node}"
    "token-devel" => "/devel/token/node/{node}"
  #bundle_entity_type: "node_type"
  #bundle_of: null
  #bundle_label: Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1395
    #string: "Content type"
    #arguments: []
    #translatedMarkup: null
    #options: []
    #stringTranslation: null
  #base_table: "node"
  #revision_data_table: "node_field_revision"
  #revision_table: "node_revision"
  #data_table: "node_field_data"
  #internal: false
  #translatable: true
  #show_revision_ui: true
  #label: Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1396
    #string: "Content"
    #arguments: []
    #translatedMarkup: null
    #options: []
    #stringTranslation: null
  #label_collection: Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1397
    #string: "Content"
    #arguments: []
    #translatedMarkup: null
    #options: []
    #stringTranslation: null
  #label_singular: Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1398
    #string: "content item"
    #arguments: []
    #translatedMarkup: null
    #options: []
    #stringTranslation: null
  #label_plural: Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1399
    #string: "content items"
    #arguments: []
    #translatedMarkup: null
    #options: []
    #stringTranslation: null
  #label_count: array:3 [
    "singular" => "@count content item"
    "plural" => "@count content items"
    "context" => null
  #uri_callback: null
  #group: "content"
  #group_label: Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#1400
    #string: "Content"
    #arguments: []
    #translatedMarkup: null
    #options: array:1 [
      "context" => "Entity type group"
    #stringTranslation: null
  #field_ui_base_route: "entity.node_type.edit_form"
  #common_reference_target: true
  #list_cache_contexts: array:1 [
    0 => "user.node_grants:view"
  #list_cache_tags: array:1 [
    0 => "node_list"
  #constraints: array:4 [
    "EntityChanged" => null
    "EntityUntranslatableFields" => null
    "EcaContent" => null
    "MenuSettings" => []
  #additional: array:1 [
    "token_type" => "node"
  #_serviceIds: []
  #_entityStorages: []
  #stringTranslation: null
  #revision_metadata_keys: array:4 [
    "revision_user" => "revision_uid"
    "revision_created" => "revision_timestamp"
    "revision_log_message" => "revision_log"
    "revision_default" => "revision_default"

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