Entity type definition

Tierras Colombianas traditional dishes win over kids with yummy comfort food. Photo by Sydney Ng

Tierras Colombianas traditional dishes win over kids with yummy comfort food. Photo by Sydney Ng

Because New Yorkers are always on the go, eating out at a restaurant isn't saved for a special occasion, it's a way of life. And given that NYC is home to so many families, it's no surprise that there are a multitude of eateries that not only accommodate kids but actually cater to them. There are restaurants with family entertainment, eateries where kids can play, family-friendly places to eat near big attractions like Times Square and the American Museum of Natural History, plus lots of local neighborhood favorites with eclectic menus that go way beyond the usual chicken nuggets and fries. Our NYC Family-Friendly Restaurant Guide has picks in popular areas like Harlem, Forest Hills, Park Slope and beyond, so you don't need to stop the fun to go home to get a good meal.

Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityType {#1394
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    "revision_log_message" => "revision_log"
    "revision_default" => "revision_default"

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