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        <p>There are tons of&nbsp;great birthday party spots across&nbsp;New Jersey that cater to preschoolers and toddlers, since&nbsp;big-kid birthday party places&nbsp;can be&nbsp;a bit too grown-up for this&nbsp;age group.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p>Read on for a list of cool play spaces, play cafes, and kiddie gyms that specialize in birthday party celebrations for the 6-and-under set. Find even more ideas for birthday party fun in our <a href="">Guide to Birthday Parties in New Jersey</a>.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href=";id=51ccfd15a8&amp;submit=Sign+Up">Subscribe to our newsletters</a> to get stories like this delivered directly to your inbox.</p>\r\n
        <p>Many of the play spaces listed below offer a discount for weekday birthday parties; please check their websites for more info.</p>\r\n
        <h2>Preschool-Friendly Birthday Party Venues in North Jersey</h2>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Catch Air</a> – Paramus</h3>\r\n
        <p>There's so much to do at this lovely play space, from laser shows to bubble dance parties to an enormous three-story soft play castle. Little ones love the interactive toys, Tiny Town, and toddler play area. Party packages are available to meet a wide range of budgets.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">The Great Story</a> – Hackensack, Ridgefield</h3>\r\n
        <p>The Great Story, a play space modeled after kids' cafes in Korea, features ball pits, sandboxes, trampolines, an indoor jungle gym, and more. Whether your birthday girl or boy has a favorite color or character, the staff here works with you to customize your birthday party based on your needs and budget. Weekday packages start at $399 for 10 guests in Hackensack and $499 in Ridgefield.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="">Exceptional Explorers</a>&nbsp;–&nbsp;Florham&nbsp;Park</h3>\r\n
        <p>Learn, play, and explore while celebrating your little one's big day (and get the place all to yourself!).&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Birthday parties</a>&nbsp;at Exceptional Explorers include 60 minutes of playtime and 30 minutes for food. Parachute activity is available upon request.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Hudson's House of Play</a> – West New York</h3>\r\n
        <p>Designed for kids up to age 5, Hudson's offers a selection of stylish private party options designed to delight little ones and their friends. Add-on themed decorations for an additional cost.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="">Tay + Te Imaginative Play</a>&nbsp;–&nbsp;Northvale</h3>\r\n
        <p>As the name suggests, this Bergen County play space offers lots of imaginative fun for the 6-and-under set. Kids can explore the pretend village featuring an organic market, vet's office, fire station, pizza parlor, and more. Contact the play space for&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">information on its birthday party offerings</a>. For our full write-up on this play space see <a href="">here</a>.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Imagine That</a> – Florham Park</h3>\r\n
        <p><a href="">Imagine That</a>&nbsp;encourages young children to play, explore, and use their imaginations—a perfect recipe for a unique and exciting birthday party. There are a variety of party packages, starting with a basic party for 10 children for $500. Upgrades and add-ons include a puppet show, themed activities, a magic show, and character visits. All parties include unlimited time to explore the museum.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="">The Little Gym of Montclair</a>&nbsp;– Montclair</h3>\r\n
        <p>Enjoy private use of the facility for one-and-a-half hours with activities led by trained instructors. A variety of themes are available, including pirates, princesses,&nbsp;<em>The Very Hungry&nbsp;Caterpillar</em>, Gabby's Dollhouse, Llama Llama, and more. Packages include set-up, clean-up, paper goods, invitations, and drinks for children are included; you provide cake, food, and beverages for the adults.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="">Kidville</a> – Multiple Locations</h3>\r\n
        <p>Kidville offers two party packages, which include party leaders to orchestrate the fun, playtime in the Kidville gym, pizza and beverages for the children, and online invitations from Paperless Post. Pricing and packages vary depending on the location.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Village Tree House</a> – Hoboken</h3>\r\n
        <p>Village Tree House features a rock wall, rope swing, Pikler triangle, and more. Parties start at $425&nbsp;for the DIY package, where the birthday party hosts are responsible for food, decorations, and favors, but you can also choose party packages with all the bells and whistles like a bubble machine, a balloon arch, food, party favors, themed decorations, and more.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="">The Village Play Cafe</a>&nbsp;– Chatham</h3>\r\n
        <p>Geared toward ages 1-5, the Village Play Cafe houses a grocery store, castle, veterinary clinic, and fire station, as well as a jungle gym, train table, and more.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Party packages</a>&nbsp;start at $600&nbsp;and grant your group private use of the space during your party. Be sure to book well in advance here.</p>\r\n
        <h2>Preschool Birthday Party Venues in Central New Jersey</h2>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Action Gymnastics</a> – Millstone Township and Freehold</h3>\r\n
        <p>Let your little one and guests burn some energy with a party that includes trampolines, a foam pit, a zip line, tumbling, a jungle gym, and more. There are three packages to choose from, starting at $399.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Branchburg Sports Complex</a> –&nbsp;Branchburg</h3>\r\n
        <p>The play maze here is legendary among local kids. Bring a crowd, and you're guaranteed to have amazing, high-energy fun. Slide, climb, and crawl across this three-level jungle gym. Parties close out with pizza, cupcakes, and arcade time. Plus, the birthday child gets to spin the big wheel for the chance to earn a prize. Sports-themed parties are also available.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="">Jungle Jim and Jane</a> – Atlantic Highlands</h3>\r\n
        <p>Little partygoers adore <a href="" target="_blank">this super unique interactive playground</a> featuring a huge jungle gym, spinning swings, a ball pit, and more. Parties are two hours long and include 80 minutes in the play area, 40 minutes in a party room, a slide show display, and drinks for the kids. Book early, especially if you're interested in a package with exclusive use of the facility.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Princeton Playspace</a> – Princeton</h3>\r\n
        <p>There's something for everyone at this sweet play space: Climb in the jungle gym, build at the construction site, pretend to be a conductor train table, read under the tree, play pretend in “Mini Princeton,” and more! Party packages include playtime, pizza, music, favors, balloons, and more. Make your child's passion come to life with themes like superheroes, unicorns, dinosaurs, mermaids, pirates, farm animals, jungle safaris, princesses, construction zones, vehicles, cartoon characters, or favorite TV shows. Birthday party packages start at $495&nbsp;for non-exclusive use of the space or $695 for a private party.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong>RELATED</strong>:&nbsp;<a href="">Kids' Birthday Party Entertainers in NJ Who Come to You</a></p>\r\n
        <p><img alt="Magic Sky Park host preschooler birthday parties." class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n
        <em>Have a blast at a private party at Magic Sky Park in Morganiville.</em></p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="">Magic Sky Play</a>&nbsp;–&nbsp;Morganville</h3>\r\n
        <p>A&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">classic party package</a>&nbsp;starts at $799 and includes exclusive use of the facility for 12 guests, pizza, balloons, cupcakes, party coordinators, and more. Up the fun factor with a balloon drop, DJ, face painting, and other add-ons.</p>\r\n
        <h2>South Jersey Birthday Party Places for Preschoolers</h2>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Jellybean Jungle</a> – Marlton</h3>\r\n
        <p>With two ball pits, slides, a mega-sized jungle gym, a pedal push carousel, a pirate ship, and a shadow puppet room, you're bound to have an action-packed birthday party at Jellybean Jungle. Party packages include time in a private party room, playtime, invitations, decorations, and clean-up and start at $425.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">My Little Adventures</a> – Cherry Hill</h3>\r\n
        <p>Bring the food, and come for the fun! Just pick a party theme like Frozen, Sesame Street, princesses, tractors, or animals, and let MLA take care of the rest. Party planners handle the decorations, theme-related music, theme-related activities, and a special dance in the Disco Ball Bubble Dance room!</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Peek-a-Boo Playground</a> – Bayville, Medford</h3>\r\n
        <p>At Peek-a-boo Playground, little party-goers enjoy everything from swings and slides to crawling tunnels and climbing structures plus lots of soft play equipment. Packages start at $395 for a weekday party and $445&nbsp;for weekends.</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge</a>&nbsp;–&nbsp;Medford</h3>\r\n
        <p>Cedar Run provides a themed program delivered by&nbsp;the Cedar Run staff. They have quite a few themes with some geared just for toddlers such as Owl Stories. The party venue is perfect for animal-loving preschoolers. Parties run for two hours with thirty minutes for eating either in the outdoor covered pavilion (which has outdoor heaters) or the community room (indoors: $50 extra). Prices start at $250 for members and $325 for non-members (including membership fee!). For a complete write-up on the refuge see <a href="">here</a>.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><strong>RELATED</strong>:&nbsp;<a href="">Big Fun, Little Party: 25 Kids' Birthday Party Ideas for Small Groups</a></p>\r\n
        <p><img alt="Birthday Party Places for Preschoolers : Rancocas Nature Center" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n
        <em>Preschoolers can get energy out on a birthday hike at&nbsp;Rancocas&nbsp;Nature Center. Photo by the author</em></p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">Rancocas Nature Center</a>&nbsp;–&nbsp;Rancocas</h3>\r\n
        <p>If your child loves nature and the outdoors, this venue is perfect for their party! This non-profit organization is set on 210 acres of Rancocas State Park and has 3 miles of trails. You can choose from many different themes, some of them geared specifically toward 4-6-year-old kids such as Making Sense of Nature and A Frogging We Will Go. You must have a membership to schedule a party ($40 for the family) and parties start at $155 for two hours at the center and a one-hour program run by the staff at the Nature Center. There are tables and chairs available and these parties are all outside.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <h3><a href="" target="_blank">We Rock the Spectrum</a> – Audubon and Mount Laurel&nbsp;</h3>\r\n
        <p>This venue is meant to be a safe and inclusive space for children of all abilities. The gym has suspended swings, crash mats, a zip line, a trampoline, sensory toys, and an indoor play structure. Packages start at $320 for two hours for 10 kids at the Audubon location and $300 for up to 15 kids at the Mount Laurel location. The gym will be closed to the public during your party time.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><em>Photos courtesy of the venues</em></p>\r\n
        <p><em>This post was originally published in 2017 and has since been updated.</em></p>\r\n
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