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              <p>Camp and art go together like, well, crayons and coloring books. But sometimes our LA kids are hankering after a little more than just a coloring sheet or a pile of popsicle sticks and glitter glue. If your family's goals for summer involve more artistic education than LAUSD is able to muster up these days, then one of the LA&nbsp;art camps below is probably for you.</p>\r\n
              <p>If, on the other hand, you had your heart set on sending the kids outside for a summer full of fresh air, be sure to check our suggestions for <a href="">classic outdoor LA summer camps</a> and <a href="">horse riding camps</a>, too—or check our whole <a href="">Los Angeles Summer Guide</a>! Find a full listing of local summer camps in our <a href=";area=115">Directory of Camps</a>, too. Search by your kids' ages, interests,&nbsp;or location.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">Art Center for Kids</a><br />\r\n
              Art Center College of Design<br />\r\n
              950 South Raymond Ave.<br />\r\n
              Pasadena, CA 91105<br />\r\n
              626.396.2319<br />\r\n
              Mon-Fri 9am-12pm<br />\r\n
              Ages 9 and up<br />\r\n
              The Art Center in Pasadena is definitely more art than camp, but for a kid who really loves the fine arts the Art Center College of Design offers some wonderful opportunities. Classes include topics like architecture, cartooning, print-making, fashion sketching, and photography. Each session is one week long and completes a single subject. These are only half days, so it's not necessarily a big help to a working parent, but families with flexible schedules love the depth of instruction.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">Art Rebel</a><br />\r\n
              14382 Ventura Blvd.<br />\r\n
              Sherman Oaks, Ca 91423<br />\r\n
              818.784.2010<br />\r\n
              Mon-Fri 9:30am-4pm<br />\r\n
              Ages 5 and up<br />\r\n
              Plenty of grown-ups know Art Rebel for its evening events that intersperse art activities with dinner and drinks; it's a favorite among artsy-heartsy Valley parents on date night. Fewer folks may realize that the only-nominally-rebellious studio also offers a great selection in summer art camps. The camps run all summer long in week-long sessions (10 weeks in total), with a different art theme each week; topics include cartooning, fashion, green art, multi-media, and graffiti (ah, that will be where the rebel comes in).</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">Brentwood Art Center</a><br />\r\n
              13031 Montana Avenue<br />\r\n
              Los Angeles, CA 90049<br />\r\n
              310.451.5657<br />\r\n
              Mon-Fri 10am-3pm<br />\r\n
              Ages 5-13<br />\r\n
              There are summer camps that do a little art; then there are art schools that do a little camp. Brentwood Art Center has a long track record of excellence in art instruction for all ages, and kids who spend a week or three learning from the faculty here definitely expand their fine arts education. Camps run in one- or two-week sessions, with half days for 5- and 6-year-olds and full days for ages 7 and up. Drawing, painting, sculpting, and print-making are on the syllabus.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">Children's Arts Institute</a><br />\r\n
              14702 Sylvan Street<br />\r\n
              Van Nuys, CA 91411<br />\r\n
              818.780.6226<br />\r\n
              or&nbsp;<br />\r\n
              16200 Mulholland Drive<br />\r\n
              Los Angeles, CA 90049<br />\r\n
              818.780.6226<br />\r\n
              Students can sign up for workshops that allow them to pursue their own interests, and each workshop promises to provide each child with a chance to engage and get curious. Professional arts educators and artists with experience teaching young people guide campers.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">McGroarty Arts Center</a><br />\r\n
              7570 McGroarty Terrace<br />\r\n
              Tujunga, CA 91042<br />\r\n
              818.352.5285<br />\r\n
              McGroarty Arts Center has been running popular and affordable once-a-week art camps for Valley kids for years and is planning to expand into a full-week, summer-long arts camp in 2012. Details are still unfolding; check back here or on the <a href="" target="_blank">McGroarty website</a> for details as they become available.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">Paint Lab</a><br />\r\n
              1453 14th Street<br />\r\n
              Santa Monica, CA 90404<br />\r\n
              310.450.9200<br />\r\n
              Mon-Fri 9am-4pm<br />\r\n
              Ages 5-12<br />\r\n
              Paint Lab is a studio for serious artists - that's seriously fun for kids. Blocks from the beach, this&nbsp;artsy&nbsp;locale is a great place to don a beret and feel the vibe. The sunny rooms are splattered with just enough paint to inspire creativity without inspiring a clean-up, and the walls are bedecked with paintings created by the grown-ups who spend their evenings here sipping wine and talking of Michelangelo. Kids learn real painting techniques, sketching skills, and art theory - but with no stuffiness or lecturing. Paint Lab's teachers really "get" kids and know how to send them out into the world wanting to create more art. A week - or even a day - at this camp is a real treat.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">Palos Verdes Art Center</a><br />\r\n
              5504 Crestridge Road<br />\r\n
              Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275<br />\r\n
              310.541.2479<br />\r\n
              Mon-Fri 9am-4pm<br />\r\n
              Ages 5-12<br />\r\n
              Palos Verdes "Art-rageous" Art Camps offer five or six weeks of programming each summer (as well as on other school holidays and vacations). Each week features a different artistic theme.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">reDiscover</a><br />\r\n
              12958 W. Washington Blvd.<br />\r\n
              Los Angeles, CA 90066<br />\r\n
              310.393.3636<br />\r\n
              Mon-Fri 9am-3pm (after-care available until 5pm)<br />\r\n
              Ages 7-13<br />\r\n
              What goes on at reDiscover's summer camp might not be fine art in the purest sense of the words, but it sure is creative, and oh-so-worthwhile! The summer program at the Mecca of all things recycled is known as Tinker School, and the tinkering knows no bounds. Kids use real tools and materials to solve real problems, creating articles of wonder out of articles of discard - supervised on a 4:1 teacher/student ratio. You'll be amazed at what kids can create and learn using stuff that big companies were about to throw away.</p>\r\n
              <p><a href="" target="_blank">Summer Art Academy</a><br />\r\n
              12326 Riverside Drive<br />\r\n
              Valley Village, CA 91607<br />\r\n
              323.459.5877<br />\r\n
              Kids 7-11 explore everything from cooking to ceramics, magic to musical theater, fencing to woodworking -- and there's a program for teens 11-15, too.</p>\r\n
              <p><em>Originally published February 2, 2012</em></p>\r\n
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              Summer camp has been canceled due to health issues at the Grist\r\n
              The Art Grist\r\n
              4730 Crystal Springs Drive\r\n
              Los Angeles, CA 90027\r\n
              Mon-Fri 9am-3pm (aftercare available)\r\n
              Ages 5-12\r\n
              Located in Griffith Park, The Art Grist Art Camp offers eight weeks of artistic exploration under big shady trees, and on sketching hikes through the park. Each week takes on a different in-depth topic - including photography, fashion design, water color, sculpture, and graphic novels - led by teachers from Los Feliz Charter School for the Arts.\r\n
              Adults only now -- \r\n
              4130 Greenbush Ave.\r\n
              Sherman Oaks, Ca 91423\r\n
              Mon-Thu 9:30am-12:30pm or 1:30pm-4:30pm\r\n
              Ages 6-16\r\n
              ClayCamp is just what the name implies, with kids plunging gloriously up to their elbows in wet clay, spinning, pinching, and sculpting with abandon. Six sessions are offered over the course of the summer, each two weeks long. Kids ages 6-11 attend the morning session, while ages 11-16 go in the afternoons. And at the end of the day, lots of ceramic masterpieces come home.\r\n
              CLOSED \r\n
              KiDazzle Art Studios\r\n
              1931 N Gaffey Street Suites F & G\r\n
              San Pedro, CA 90731\r\n
              Mon-Fri 7am-3pm (extended care available until 6pm)\r\n
              Ages 4-12\r\n
              Feel free to take a moment to rub your eyes and read that again, because, yes, KiDazzle has the best art camp deal in town. Working parents will be particularly agog to learn that the extended day, 7am-6pm schedule, costs only $45 per day. Art lessons, painting, and crafts make up about half the day, with games, field trips, computer time, movies, and even some academics filling in the rest.
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