Devel Load (with references)

array:45 [
  "nid" => array:1 [
    0 => array:1 [
      "value" => "246997"
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    0 => array:1 [
      "value" => "19128af2-0de3-402f-be3c-932beb7ee59c"
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    0 => array:1 [
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  "langcode" => array:1 [
    0 => array:1 [
      "value" => "und"
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    0 => array:3 [
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            "value" => "$S$Dd7eVv34srYg4x6ng1vHa7NeMd6JPwL.lz76ZpAW3IaKbPAcTsC/"
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                11 => "edit own directory content"
                12 => "edit own event content"
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                14 => "use text format full_html"
                15 => "use text format plain_text"
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                17 => "view the administration theme"
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      "value" => "1"
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      "value" => "1"
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    0 => array:1 [
      "value" => "1"
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  "metatag" => array:4 [
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        <p>Make your child's birthday special even while staying at home with virtual parties offered by top performers and kids party providers.</p>\r\n
        <p>Social distancing doesn’t need to be socially isolating. Take advantage of technology to help your birthday boy or girl celebrate with friends and family. Many favorite party providers are transitioning their acts to digital platforms like Zoom or Google Hangouts so kids and their friends can still have all the great group activities of a <a href="">traditional birthday party</a>. As an added bonus, these virtual parties are often much more affordable than their in-person alternatives.</p>\r\n
        <p>Read on for our suggestions on some of the best virtual party providers to try, and make the party even&nbsp;more fun with these <a href="">at-home&nbsp;party ideas</a>.</p>\r\n
        <h2>Virtual Birthday Party Performers</h2>\r\n
        <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="100%"></iframe></p>\r\n
        <p><em>With Happily Ever Laughter,&nbsp;guests enjoy a memorable virtual visits from mermaids, pirates, and other enchanting characters.</em></p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="" id="link-section-1-undefined">Happily Ever Laughter</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Happily Ever Laughter offers several different party and play date packages to make a birthday, or any day, special. From one-on-one character visits to group play dates, its affordable offerings can even make a gift "magically" jump from the screen to your child's room.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">BubbleDad Birthday Parties</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Bubbledad (performer/educator Chris Catanese) has brought smiles to tens of thousands of kids and adults from Montauk to the Rocky Mountains. He’ll wow kids with a bubble show, creating square bubbles, bubble characters, smoke bubbles, bubbles inside of bubbles and more. Then, he'll teach kids some of his bubblemaking secrets, sure to keep them busy for hours after the party ends.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Happy Birds</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Personalize your child's virtual birthday party or any special event with six people-friendly parrots that talk, sing, and perform over 25 tricks. They can ride a bike or scooter, play basketball, roller skate, sing songs, and more. They also offer educational virtual school and library programs for at-home learning and fun.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Puppets by Palmieri</a></strong><br />\r\n
        A high-energy interactive virtual puppet show is a perfect pick for a birthday party or community event. Puppet master, Mr. Chris, and his pal, Lucky Duck, invite kids on fun adventures through comedic takes on classic fairy tales and original stories. Choose from a variety of party themes, plus add-ons like a mini magic show or puppet making activity.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Ricky Roo &amp; Friends Puppet Show</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Kids ages 2 to 8 will go wild for the wacky world of Ricky Roo &amp; Friends. Party-throwing parents can pick from four different storylines for their puppet show—Space &amp; Alien, Pirate &amp; Island, Under The Sea, and Forest &amp; Animals—and the performance can be personalized with the birthday child's favorite character. There are 100 to choose from!</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="" id="link-section-1-undefined">Sammie &amp; Tudie's Imagination Playhouse</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Sammie &amp; Tudie have been cracking kids up for more than 20 years. During this time of social distancing, Sammie &amp; Tudie have created a special 30-minute Zoom show guaranteed to make any birthday child's day special. Recommended for children ages 3 to 8.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Zumbini with Jan</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Jan will have little ones singing, dancing with scarves, moving like kangaroos, and more. She's hosted over 600 virtual classes since 2020 and at just $50 for a 40 minute party it's hard to beat.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /></p>\r\n
        <p><em>Magical princess characters portrayed by NYC actors and dazzling interactive activities make Joy's Princess Parties a perfect online party pick.</em></p>\r\n
        <h2>Virtual Parties and Play Dates</h2>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Joy's Princess Parties NYC</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Joy’s Princess Parties currently offers virtual and in-person visits (with precautions). The birthday child and guests can practice their ice powers, twirl with Cinderella, discover the meaning of being a true princess, and be crowned in a royal coronation—and more.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Brooklyn Robot Foundry</a></strong><br />\r\n
        How about an online robot party for the 2-13 crowd? Each child gets to build his or her own robot and take part in other birthday fun with the hands-on Foundry teachers. The Foundry will send guests all of the materials ahead of the event, including festive optional add-ons like party favors and cakes.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Color Me Mine UWS</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Let Color Me Mine UWS guide your guests through the hour-long pottery project of your choice—with options for ages 5 and up. Paint, brushes, and materials will be provided to virtual partygoers, along with goodie bags packed with a surprise toy, coloring postcard, and a free studio fee card for a future visit.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Digi Bash Virtual Events</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Choose from a 30-, 60-, or 90-minute virtual birthday party or playdate, featuring everything from storytime and vocal performances, to dance lessons and princess games, to magicians and jugglers. Take your event to the next level with individually-delivered swag bags packed with personalized snacks, lunches, tiaras, capes, and other goodies.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Got Game Virtual Parties</strong></a><br />\r\n
        Got Game 2.0 is now offering customized birthday parties, family fun nights, and team-building events for kids and adults. From virtual sports and games to arts and music, create a live, interactive virtual get together that's one-of-a-kind.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="" id="link-section-1-undefined">HealthBarn USA Birthday Parties</a></strong><br />\r\n
        HealthBarn USA specializes in teaching children how much fun cooking and eating healthy can be. Your birthday child can choose a delicious recipe from healthier versions of cookies, brownies, or chocolate chip muffins (all recipes include pantry staples and are easy to modify). For one hour, guests ages 3-15 transform into natural chefs at the virtual Birthday Barn Bash. The birthday child is featured throughout the experience, but especially during a fun game.</p>\r\n
        <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /></p>\r\n
        <p><em>Happily Ever Laughter's interactive fairytale characters bring magic, puppets, and silly songs to virtual birthday bashes.</em></p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Little Rockers</a></strong><br />\r\n
        A private online concert is sure to make for a memorable birthday bash! Little Rockers' talented kids party entertainers will lead your guests in half an hour of singing, dancing, and musical activities. Using various instruments and giving simple directions, kids won't have any trouble getting in on the fun from their TVs, computers, or smartphones.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="">Silly Circus Show</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Join Bri Crabtree on a virtual silly circus adventure filled with magic, juggling, interactive screen tricks, and silly antics—perfect for ages 4-6. A 30-minute Silly Circus Show party includes a custom graphic for your online invitations, a Zoom link, surprise appearances of the birthday kid in the show, and social time to say "happy birthday" to the star of the party.</p>\r\n
        <p><strong><a href="" id="link-section-1-undefined">Taste Buds Kitchen Cooking Parties</a></strong><br />\r\n
        Plan a birthday bash or virtual playdate for children ages 3.5-12 to connect virtually with friends. Pick from a choice of menus including handmade pizzas, soft pretzels, applesauce muffins, mix-in cookies, and more. Parties include games, social time, and a birthday cake blow-out.</p>\r\n
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      "bundle" => "vocabulary_9"
    5 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "1312"
      "message" => "Recursion detected."
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    6 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "2455"
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    7 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "1146"
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    8 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "1500"
      "message" => "Recursion detected."
      "array_path" => "taxonomy_vocabulary_9.4.entity.field_events_season_icon.0.entity.uid.0.entity.field_admin_area.8.entity"
    9 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "1400"
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      "array_path" => "taxonomy_vocabulary_9.4.entity.field_events_season_icon.0.entity.uid.0.entity.field_admin_area.9.entity"
    10 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "115"
      "message" => "Recursion detected."
      "array_path" => "taxonomy_vocabulary_9.4.entity.field_events_season_icon.0.entity.uid.0.entity.field_admin_area.10.entity"
    11 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "2462"
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    12 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "114"
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    13 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "116"
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    14 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "117"
      "message" => "Recursion detected."
      "array_path" => "taxonomy_vocabulary_9.4.entity.field_events_season_icon.0.entity.uid.0.entity.field_admin_area.14.entity"
    15 => array:3 [
      "target_id" => "120"
      "message" => "Recursion detected."
      "array_path" => "taxonomy_vocabulary_9.4.entity.field_events_season_icon.0.entity.uid.0.entity.field_admin_area.15.entity"