Devel Load (with references)

Photo ops abound at the gorgeous light displays at LumiNature. Photo by Winnie Chung for the Philadelphia Zoo

Photo ops abound at the gorgeous light displays at LumiNature. Photo by Winnie Chung for the Philadelphia Zoo

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        <p><strong>November brings plenty of things to do, as Philadelphia&nbsp;gears up for the holidays, from Veterans Day to Thanksgiving and full steam ahead to Christmas. Don’t miss our favorite kid-friendly events and activities in Philadelphia&nbsp;this month.</strong></p>\r\n
        <p>November kicks off with Game 4 of the&nbsp;<a href="">Phillies World Series</a>, so let's hope the month begins&nbsp;with a bang and a bell ring. The city is already on fire and&nbsp;is about to get even more sparkly, with&nbsp;<a href="">LumiNature</a>&nbsp;opening at the Philadelphia Zoo&nbsp;and the&nbsp;<a href="">Tinseltown Holiday Spectacular</a>&nbsp;lighting up&nbsp;the Expo Center.&nbsp;Not long after Election Day (don't forget to vote!) is Veteran's Day, so head to the&nbsp;<a href="">Museum of the American Revolution</a>&nbsp;where families can honor those who have&nbsp;served our country during a weekend of special programs. The month rounds out with Philly's beloved&nbsp;<a href="">6abc Dunkin' Thanksgiving Day Parade</a>, so tune in or bundle up and hit the Parkway before you stuff yourself with all the trimmings.</p>\r\n
        <p>Before the falling leaves turn to snowflakes, make sure to check&nbsp;our&nbsp;<a href="">Fall Bucket List</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;browse our <a href="">Fall Activities Guide</a>.&nbsp;And don't forget to book tickets now for these <a href=";sa=D&amp;source=editors&amp;ust=1667001987044909&amp;usg=AOvVaw2-KVO9m4-PqdY6Qzoa0z_s">Polar Express and Holiday&nbsp;Train Rides</a>!</p>\r\n
        <p><strong>We’re adding more events to our <a href="">family activity calendar </a>every day, so don’t forget to check it frequently</strong>.&nbsp;<strong>Get our <a href="">picks for every weekend</a> in your inbox—<a href=";id=51ccfd15a8&amp;submit=Sign+Up" target="_blank">sign up for our newsletters</a></strong>.<br />\r\n
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