Flat walking trails make Wharton Brook State Park a sure bet for kid hikers. Photo by Mommy Poppins
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While your toddler or preschooler may not be ready for the Sleeping Giant blue loop or Southford Falls' watchtower trail, we think they just might love exploring the outdoors with these 12 kid-friendly hikes around Connecticut, all of which measure a mile or less.</p>\r\n <!--break-->\r\n \r\n <p>These hiking trails are just right for the youngest walkers who might prefer collecting twigs and rocks and watching the wildlife scurry by over scaling rocks and summits. They might even teach their grown-ups a thing or two about focusing less on the destination and more on the journey. Find more Connecticut hikes, walks, and outdoor spots to explore in our <a href="">Parks & Playgrounds Guide</a>.</p>\r\n \r\n <h2>1. <a href="" target="_blank">Lake Mohegan</a> – Fairfield</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>Lake Mohegan is part of more than 170 acres of woodlands in Fairfield right off Morehouse Highway. With plenty of great nature trails you have the option of doing short or longer hikes with stunning surroundings chock-full of waterfalls, bridges, and plenty of entertaining stops along the way. There’s also a picnic area and small, seasonal splashpad available (day rates apply) making it the perfect way to spend a lazy summer afternoon.</p>\r\n \r\n <h2>2. <a href="" target="_blank">Rocky Neck State Park</a> – East Lyme</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>At Rocky Neck State Park in East Lyme, you can hike for as little or as much as you wish (and we’re talking 1/10th of a mile) with multiple trail options for your family. You might also want to check out the fantastic sandy Connecticut beach. Pack a picnic and eat under the stone pavilion.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>RELATED: <a href="">Top Playgrounds Across Connecticut</a></p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Discover the trails of Eisenhower Park but save time for the playground, too! Photo courtesy of Jackie Lema</em></p>\r\n \r\n <h2>3. <a href="" target="_blank">Eisenhower Park</a> – Milford</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>Eisenhower Park is a hidden gem in New Haven County, tucked down the hill from the widely popular Bodie’s Place playground. With mostly-flat terrain to traverse, this park offers easy, kid-friendly hikes for Connecticut kids. There are always frogs to catch, turtles to discover, and streams to dip your toes in. Plus, there’s a wonderful playground and soon-to-be splashpad back at the top of the hill.</p>\r\n \r\n <h2>4. <a href="" target="_blank">Harry C. Barnes Memorial Nature Center</a> – Bristol</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>Who doesn’t love the Harry C. Barnes Memorial Nature Center? With interactive exhibits, live reptiles, amphibians, and birds of prey, you really can’t go wrong. There is a wonderful short hiking loop through the woods alongside the nature center.</p>\r\n \r\n <p><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Hike the trails and then check out the nature center at Roaring Brook. <a href="" target="_blank">Photo</a> Courtesy of Roaring Brook Nature Center</em></p>\r\n \r\n <h2>5. <a href="" target="_blank">Roaring Brook Nature Center </a>– Canton</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>Roaring Brook Nature Center offers five different trails to explore, perfect for young hikers. Explore the woods and wildlife before stopping by the nature center where you’ll discover outdoor gardens, a beaver wetland exhibit, a small collection of live animals, and a nature store.</p>\r\n \r\n <h2>6. <a href="" target="_blank">Westmoore Park </a>– West Hartford</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>Known as a small working farm with animals, Westmoore Park offers four hiking trails all under one mile. Here you’ll find forests, ponds, and meadows, followed by a visit with Westmoore’s farm animals sure to delight children.</p>\r\n \r\n <p>RELATED: <a href="">Great Stroller Hikes for Connecticut Families</a></p>\r\n \r\n <h2>7. <a href="" target="_blank">Wharton Brook State Park </a>– North Haven</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>Shaded, flat, and short. Those are the best qualities of a hike with a 3 year old. The trail around the pond at Wharton Brook State Park in North Haven is just that. Bring a picnic and your fishing pole.</p>\r\n \r\n <h2>8. <a href="" target="_blank">Tarrywile Park</a> – Danbury</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>A stroll along the pond at Tarrywile Park is a hike that anyone can enjoy. With a restored silo and barn and a garden for the wee ones to explore, the setting is truly a treasure tucked away in Danbury.</p>\r\n \r\n <h2>9. <a href="" target="_blank">Kent Falls</a> – Kent</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>OK, so this hike is certainly not as easy as the last because it is actually quite steep. But it is only a quarter of a mile and the view of Kent Falls is worth the climb. Wander across the covered bridge and hike along the falls for a truly enchanting experience. It's well maintained, offers handrails, and there are plenty of lookout points.</p>\r\n \r\n <h2>10. <a href="" target="_blank">Stratton Brook State Park</a> – Simsbury</h2>\r\n \r\n <p>A classic New England covered bridge, groves of white pines, and a picturesque pond—Stratton Brook State Park is just a lovely hiking destination for your family. It’s got plenty of trails to choose from starting at 1/10th of a mile. There is also a picnic area and swimming in the summertime. </p>\r\n \r\n <h2 dir="ltr">11. <a href="">Earthplace</a> — Westport </h2>\r\n \r\n <p dir="ltr">Located in a quiet corner of Westport, Earthplace provides its visitors with 62 acres of nature and wildlife sanctuary. Two miles of trails meander through a variety of habitats including fields, forests, ponds, and a stream. The six trails are clearly marked and color-coded include the Meadow Grass Trail. This flat path is easy for wobbly walkers to navigate and is fully accessible to those in wheelchairs, walkers, or strollers. </p>\r\n \r\n <p dir="ltr"><img alt="" class="image-image620x420" src="" style="height:420px; width:620px" /><br />\r\n <em>Take a walk through Selleck’s Woods at the Darien Nature Center. Photo courtesy the nature center </em></p>\r\n \r\n <h2 dir="ltr">12. <a href="">Selleck’s Woods</a> — Darien </h2>\r\n \r\n <p dir="ltr">Dense forests, two ponds, a lake, marsh, and wetlands make up this wonderland of flora and fauna located in Darien. There are several one-mile paths to pick from in the Woods' two miles of trails that traverse this ecologically diverse landscape. Preschoolers will love the "I Spy Corner," carved wood stump chairs to take a rest on, and the many bridges that take you over the river and through the woods. </p>\r\n \r\n <div><em>A version of this article first published in 2018. Additional reporting by Ally Noel.</em></div>\r\n """ "summary" => "" "format" => "full_html" ] ] ] "comment_node_blog" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:6 [ "status" => "1" "cid" => "0" "last_comment_timestamp" => "1712990710" "last_comment_name" => null "last_comment_uid" => "69178" "comment_count" => "0" ] ] ] "field_attached_images" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:9 [ 0 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "133897" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "960" "height" => "720" ] 1 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "133898" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "960" "height" => "720" ] 2 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "133900" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "2448" "height" => "3264" ] 3 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "133904" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "960" "height" => "720" ] 4 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "133911" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "960" "height" => "720" ] 5 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "181939" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "2448" "height" => "1632" ] 6 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "181940" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "1632" "height" => "1088" ] 7 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "181941" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "960" "height" => "640" ] 8 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "181942" "alt" => "" "title" => "" "width" => "1150" "height" => "767" ] ] ] "field_image" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:5 [ "target_id" => "280888" "alt" => "Flat walking trails make Wharton Brook State Park a sure bet for kid hikers. 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","og_description":"Discover hikes under a mile that are just enough for the youngest.","robots":"","title":"A Dozen Short Hikes in Connecticut for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Mommy Poppins"}" ] ] ] "field_pick" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "0" ] ] ] "field_sponsorship_content" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "target_id" => "994998" "target_revision_id" => "9085619" ] ] ] "field_title_description" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "12 Hikes Around Connecticut for Kids" ] ] ] "taxonomy_vocabulary_2" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:3 [ 0 => array:1 [ "target_id" => "42" ] 1 => array:1 [ "target_id" => "46" ] 2 => array:1 [ "target_id" => "69" ] ] ] "taxonomy_vocabulary_3" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "target_id" => "75" ] ] ] "taxonomy_vocabulary_9" => array:1 [ "x-default" => array:15 [ 0 => array:1 [ "target_id" => "114" ] 1 => array:1 [ "target_id" => "255" ] 2 => array:1 [ 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"bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2877 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:entity_reference" "settings" => array:3 [ "target_type" => "user" "handler" => "default" "handler_settings" => [] ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2874} } #type: "entity_reference" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "revision_log" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2878 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2879 #string: "Revision log message" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2880 #string: "Briefly describe the changes you have made." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "default_value" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "" ] ] "display" => array:1 [ "form" => array:1 [ "options" => array:3 [ "type" => "string_textarea" "weight" => 25 "settings" => array:1 [ "rows" => 4 ] ] ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "revision_log" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2881 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:string_long" "settings" => array:1 [ "case_sensitive" => false ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2878} } #type: "string_long" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "status" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2882 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2883 #string: "Published" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "translatable" => true "default_value" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => true ] ] "display" => array:1 [ "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "type" => "boolean_checkbox" "settings" => array:1 [ "display_label" => true ] "weight" => 120 ] "configurable" => true ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "status" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2884 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:boolean" "settings" => array:2 [ "on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2885 #string: "On" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2886 #string: "Off" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2882} } #type: "boolean" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "uid" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2887 #definition: array:10 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2888 #string: "Authored by" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "translatable" => true "default_value_callback" => "Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner" "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2889 #string: "The username of the content author." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "display" => array:2 [ "view" => array:1 [ "options" => array:3 [ "label" => "hidden" "type" => "author" "weight" => 0 ] ] "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "type" => "entity_reference_autocomplete" "weight" => 5 "settings" => array:3 [ "match_operator" => "CONTAINS" "size" => "60" "placeholder" => "" ] ] "configurable" => true ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "uid" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2890 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:entity_reference" "settings" => array:3 [ "target_type" => "user" "handler" => "default" "handler_settings" => [] ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2887} } #type: "entity_reference" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "title" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2891 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2892 #string: "Title" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "required" => true "translatable" => true "revisionable" => true "display" => array:2 [ "view" => array:1 [ "options" => array:3 [ "label" => "hidden" "type" => "string" "weight" => -5 ] ] "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:2 [ "type" => "string_textfield" "weight" => -5 ] "configurable" => true ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "title" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2893 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:string" "settings" => array:3 [ "max_length" => 255 "is_ascii" => false "case_sensitive" => false ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2891} } #type: "string" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "created" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2894 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2895 #string: "Authored on" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2896 #string: "The date and time that the content was created." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "translatable" => true "display" => array:2 [ "view" => array:1 [ "options" => array:3 [ "label" => "hidden" "type" => "timestamp" "weight" => 0 ] ] "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:2 [ "type" => "datetime_timestamp" "weight" => 10 ] "configurable" => true ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "created" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2897 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:created" "settings" => [] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2894} } #type: "created" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "changed" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2898 #definition: array:8 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2899 #string: "Changed" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2900 #string: "The time that the node was last edited." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "translatable" => true "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "changed" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2901 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:changed" "settings" => [] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2898} } #type: "changed" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "promote" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2902 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2903 #string: "Promoted to front page" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "translatable" => true "default_value" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => true ] ] "display" => array:1 [ "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "type" => "boolean_checkbox" "settings" => array:1 [ "display_label" => true ] "weight" => 15 ] "configurable" => true ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "promote" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2904 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:boolean" "settings" => array:2 [ "on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2905 #string: "On" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2906 #string: "Off" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2902} } #type: "boolean" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "sticky" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2907 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2908 #string: "Sticky at top of lists" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "translatable" => true "default_value" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => false ] ] "display" => array:1 [ "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "type" => "boolean_checkbox" "settings" => array:1 [ "display_label" => true ] "weight" => 16 ] "configurable" => true ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "sticky" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2909 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:boolean" "settings" => array:2 [ "on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2910 #string: "On" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2911 #string: "Off" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2907} } #type: "boolean" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "default_langcode" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2912 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2913 #string: "Default translation" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2914 #string: "A flag indicating whether this is the default translation." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "translatable" => true "revisionable" => true "default_value" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => true ] ] "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "default_langcode" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2915 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:boolean" "settings" => array:2 [ "on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2916 #string: "On" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2917 #string: "Off" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2912} } #type: "boolean" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "revision_default" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2918 #definition: array:10 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2919 #string: "Default revision" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2920 #string: "A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "storage_required" => true "internal" => true "translatable" => false "revisionable" => true "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "revision_default" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2921 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:boolean" "settings" => array:2 [ "on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2922 #string: "On" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2923 #string: "Off" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2918} } #type: "boolean" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "revision_translation_affected" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2924 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2925 #string: "Revision translation affected" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2926 #string: "Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "read-only" => true "revisionable" => true "translatable" => true "provider" => "node" "field_name" => "revision_translation_affected" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2927 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:boolean" "settings" => array:2 [ "on_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2928 #string: "On" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "off_label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2929 #string: "Off" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2924} } #type: "boolean" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "moderation_state" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2957 #definition: array:12 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2958 #string: "Moderation state" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2959 #string: "The moderation state of this piece of content." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "computed" => true "class" => "Drupal\content_moderation\Plugin\Field\ModerationStateFieldItemList" "display" => array:2 [ "view" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "label" => "hidden" "region" => "hidden" "weight" => -5 ] "configurable" => false ] "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "type" => "moderation_state_default" "weight" => 100 "settings" => [] ] "configurable" => true ] ] "constraints" => array:1 [ "ModerationState" => [] ] "read-only" => false "translatable" => true "provider" => "content_moderation" "field_name" => "moderation_state" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => "blog" ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2960 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:string" "settings" => array:3 [ "max_length" => 255 "is_ascii" => false "case_sensitive" => false ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2957} } #type: "string" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "metatag" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2934 #definition: array:10 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2935 #string: "Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2936 #string: "The computed meta tags for the entity." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "computed" => true "translatable" => true "read-only" => true "entity_type" => "node" "cardinality" => -1 "provider" => "metatag" "field_name" => "metatag" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2937 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:metatag_computed" "settings" => [] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2934} } #type: "metatag_computed" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "path" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2938 #definition: array:8 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2939 #string: "URL alias" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "translatable" => true "display" => array:1 [ "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:2 [ "type" => "path" "weight" => 30 ] "configurable" => true ] ] "computed" => true "provider" => "path" "field_name" => "path" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2940 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:path" "settings" => [] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2938} } #type: "path" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "publish_on" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2941 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2942 #string: "Publish on" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "display" => array:1 [ "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:2 [ "type" => "datetime_timestamp_no_default" "region" => "hidden" ] "configurable" => true ] ] "translatable" => true "revisionable" => true "constraints" => array:1 [ "SchedulerPublishOn" => null ] "provider" => "scheduler" "field_name" => "publish_on" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2943 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:timestamp" "settings" => [] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2941} } #type: "timestamp" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "unpublish_on" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2944 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2945 #string: "Unpublish on" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "display" => array:1 [ "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:2 [ "type" => "datetime_timestamp_no_default" "region" => "hidden" ] "configurable" => true ] ] "translatable" => true "revisionable" => true "constraints" => array:1 [ "SchedulerUnpublishOn" => null ] "provider" => "scheduler" "field_name" => "unpublish_on" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2946 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:timestamp" "settings" => [] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2944} } #type: "timestamp" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "publish_state" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2947 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2948 #string: "Publish state" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "display" => array:2 [ "view" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "label" => "hidden" "region" => "hidden" "weight" => -5 ] "configurable" => false ] "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:2 [ "type" => "scheduler_moderation" "region" => "hidden" ] "configurable" => true ] ] "translatable" => true "revisionable" => true "constraints" => array:2 [ "SchedulerPublishState" => null "SchedulerModerationTransitionAccess" => null ] "provider" => "scheduler_content_moderation_integration" "field_name" => "publish_state" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2949 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:list_string" "settings" => array:2 [ "allowed_values" => [] "allowed_values_function" => "_scheduler_content_moderation_integration_states_values" ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2947} } #type: "list_string" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "unpublish_state" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2950 #definition: array:9 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2951 #string: "Unpublish state" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "display" => array:2 [ "view" => array:2 [ "options" => array:3 [ "label" => "hidden" "region" => "hidden" "weight" => -5 ] "configurable" => false ] "form" => array:2 [ "options" => array:2 [ "type" => "scheduler_moderation" "region" => "hidden" ] "configurable" => true ] ] "translatable" => true "revisionable" => true "constraints" => array:2 [ "SchedulerUnPublishState" => null "SchedulerModerationTransitionAccess" => null ] "provider" => "scheduler_content_moderation_integration" "field_name" => "unpublish_state" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2952 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:list_string" "settings" => array:2 [ "allowed_values" => [] "allowed_values_function" => "_scheduler_content_moderation_integration_states_values" ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2950} } #type: "list_string" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "menu_link" => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2953 #definition: array:12 [ "label" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2954 #string: "Menu link" #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "description" => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup {#2955 #string: "Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving)." #arguments: [] #translatedMarkup: null #options: [] #stringTranslation: null } "revisionable" => true "class" => "\Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList" "translatable" => true "internal" => true "display" => array:2 [ "view" => array:1 [ "options" => array:2 [ "label" => "hidden" "region" => "hidden" ] ] "form" => array:1 [ "options" => array:1 [ "region" => "hidden" ] ] ] "computed" => true "provider" => "token" "field_name" => "menu_link" "entity_type" => "node" "bundle" => null ] #typedDataManager: null #itemDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition {#2956 #definition: array:2 [ "type" => "field_item:entity_reference" "settings" => array:3 [ "target_type" => "menu_link_content" "handler" => "default" "handler_settings" => [] ] ] #typedDataManager: null #fieldDefinition: Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition {#2953} } #type: "entity_reference" #propertyDefinitions: null #schema: null #indexes: [] } "body" => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig {#2961 #entityTypeId: "field_config" #enforceIsNew: null #typedData: null #cacheContexts: array:1 [ 0 => "languages:language_interface" ] #cacheTags: [] #cacheMaxAge: -1 #_serviceIds: [] #_entityStorages: [] #originalId: "" #status: true #uuid: "d7eff3e8-40b3-4915-be30-4ea5bd5f8e2a" -isUninstalling: false #langcode: "en" #third_party_settings: [] #_core: [] #trustedData: false #dependencies: array:2 [ "config" => array:2 [ 0 => "" 1 => "" ] "module" => array:1 [ 0 => "text" ] ] #isSyncing: false #id: "" #field_name: "body" #field_type: "text_with_summary" #entity_type: "node" #bundle: "blog" #label: "Body" #description: "" #settings: array:2 [ "display_summary" => true "required_summary" => false ] #required: false #translatable: false #default_value: [] #default_value_callback: "" #fieldStorage: null #itemDefinition: null #constraints: [] #propertyConstraints: [] #deleted: false +original: ? Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig } "comment_node_blog" => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig {#2962 #entityTypeId: "field_config" #enforceIsNew: null #typedData: null #cacheContexts: array:1 [ 0 => "languages:language_interface" ] #cacheTags: [] #cacheMaxAge: -1 #_serviceIds: [] #_entityStorages: [] #originalId: "" #status: true #uuid: "08bb3910-3cb2-494b-a42f-c44025a31603" -isUninstalling: false #langcode: "en" #third_party_settings: [] #_core: [] #trustedData: false #dependencies: array:2 [ "config" => array:2 [ 0 => "" 1 => "" ] "module" => array:1 [ 0 => "comment" ] ] #isSyncing: false #id: "" #field_name: "comment_node_blog" #field_type: "comment" #entity_type: "node" #bundle: "blog" #label: "Comments" #description: "" #settings: array:5 [ "default_mode" => 1 "per_page" => 50 "anonymous" => 0 "form_location" => false "preview" => 2 ] #required: true #translatable: true #default_value: array:1 [ 0 => array:6 [ "status" => 0 "cid" => 0 "last_comment_timestamp" => 0 "last_comment_name" => null "last_comment_uid" => 0 "comment_count" => 0 ] ] #default_value_callback: "" #fieldStorage: null #itemDefinition: null #constraints: [] #propertyConstraints: [] #deleted: false +original: ? 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