Devel Load (with references)

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        <p>Nothing says summer like a round of miniature golf. &nbsp;Growing up, I spent many a summer evening enjoying a game of putt-putt with my sisters. &nbsp;These days, I delight in the nostalgic feeling I get watching my kids fill out their scorecards with that tiny pencil. &nbsp;Whether you are headed down the <a href="" target="_blank">shore</a>, or are looking for a local activity, there is sure to be a great course nearby. &nbsp;New Jersey is home to more than 50 miniature golf courses, and we've highlighted a few of our favorites below. &nbsp;For more options, check out our original list of the <a href="" target="_blank">Best Miniature Golf Courses in New Jersey</a>.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Essex County Mini Golf Safari</a><strong>,</strong> West Orange, NJ<br />\r\n
        Located on the corner of Cherry Lane and Northfield Avenue in West Orange, the Essex County MiniGolf Safari is an award winning 19 hole course. &nbsp;Experience a taste of Africa as you putt around a life size gorilla, hippo and many other African creatures. &nbsp;The course is conveniently located right next to the Turtle Back Zoo. Visit the website for hours and directions. &nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Tee-rrific Golf Center</a><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>,</strong></a> Branchburg, NJ<br />\r\n
        The Tee-rrific Golf Center offers two great miniature golf courses. &nbsp;The blue course offers more of a challenge with twists and turns as well as multi levels. &nbsp;The red course is shorter, with more water features and more straight forward holes, making it perfect for small children. &nbsp;Whichever course you choose, you are sure to have a blast! The property also offers a driving range and a pro shop. For hours and directions visit the website or call 908-253-9300.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Golf Land</a>, Vorhees, NJ<br />\r\n
        Golf Land is the perfect place to take small children for a fun round of miniature golf. &nbsp;Beautiful trees provide lots of shade at this fun, not too challenging, course. &nbsp;Golf Land is open from 10 am to 10 pm.&nbsp; For more information, call 856-783-8700</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Farmer Brown's Golf Center</a>, Farmingdale, NJ<br />\r\n
        Since first opening in 1991, people have been coming in herds to Farmer Brown's great miniature golf course. &nbsp;The 19-hole course is characterized by its water hazards and sand traps. &nbsp;The beautiful landscaping makes this mini-golf course look like the real thing. &nbsp;If you get a hole-in-one on their special 19th&nbsp;hole, you win a free game.&nbsp; For hours of operation, call 732-938-6110.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Quail Ridge Golf World</a>, Wall, NJ<br />\r\n
        This 18 hole miniature golf course at Quail Ridge Golf World is one of the most affordable courses in New Jersey.&nbsp; Normal hours are 7:30 am to 1 hour before sunset. &nbsp;However, the course is lighted for evening play from Memorial Day to Labor Day. &nbsp;Call 732-681-0918 for specific closing times.&nbsp;</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Hole in One Miniature Golf and Pizza</a>, Leonardo, NJ<br />\r\n
        Family owned and operated since 2001, Hole in One prides itself on its friendly employees, a "green" and clean course (the course uses solar panels), and delicious food and drinks. &nbsp;The 18 hole course, featuring waterfalls and streams, is challenging enough for adults while still being very playable for children.&nbsp; Check the website or call 732-872-0011 for hours.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Blackbeard's Cave</a>, Bayville, NJ<br />\r\n
        For an entire day of fun, check out Blackbeard's Cave in Bayville. &nbsp;This family entertainment center is packed with fun activities, from bumper boats and batting cages to kiddie rides and go karts. &nbsp;The 20 hole par 59 Miniature Golf Course is both fun and challenging. Visit the website for operating hours or call 732-286-4414.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Duffers</a>, Wildwood, NJ<br />\r\n
        Kids will go crazy for this adorable 18 hole course, complete with sharks and shipwrecks. &nbsp;The best part about this course is that it is attached to a family owned restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. &nbsp;Enjoy a meal and then head out for a round of golf. Before leaving, don't miss your chance to indulge in some ice cream. &nbsp;Best known for dessert, Duffers menu includes huge sundaes, banana splits, ice cream sodas and creamy milkshakes. &nbsp;For more information, call 609-729-1817.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">Asbury Eighteen Mini-Golf</a>, Asbury Park, NJ<br />\r\n
        Play&nbsp;a round of mini-golf at one of the best courses the Jersey Shore has to offer. &nbsp;Relax and take in a round or two while you enjoy the sights and sounds of the acclaimed AP boardwalk and beach. &nbsp;When you're done playing, cool off in the adorable, safe Splash Park. &nbsp;Hours are 10 am to 10 pm. &nbsp;Call 732-897-6538 for more information.</p>\r\n
        <p><em>Image: <a href="" target="_blank">Tee-rriffic Golf Center</a></em></p>\r\n
        <p><em>Originally published 2013</em></p>\r\n
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